
Reiki Usui C'est:

Taking Time for Yourself. The physical body is an important part of the human being. But there is also the energetic body that we do not see, so we often forget about it. We take care of the physical body for pain, injury, etc... But the energetic part that is not visible, who takes care of it? Often, the pain that persists despite medications or doctor visits and no apparent reason for these pains, it may be that there is something else on this energetic body. Reiki Usui helps to find the cause of the problem while taking care of this famous energetic body that is not visible. After years of pain, you will see significant improvements in your way of being to regain health and well-being.

Réflexologie C'est:

Take a moment for yourself while relaxing and why not treat yourself? During emotional blockages or pains according to your needs. This involves massaging the reflex zones under the plantar vault (feet). Under the feet we can find all the organs of the body. I do it gently by mixing essential oils, healing stones, according to what your body will ask for. To stimulate the body and organs Relieve pain Eliminate toxins, Remove emotional blockages

Fleurs de Bach C'est:

Heal with natural plants! ! ! For any questions or advice, I will create a personalized bottle for you according to your needs. There are 38 Bach Flowers that are suitable for emotional situations: Depending on your problem, it will be wise to take some of these Flowers to help you overcome it. For example, in case of: Fears Any exams to take Tiredness, exhaustion A life situation change Letting go of... Lack of self-confidence Being shy Emotional shock Mourning etc...

Alle meine Therapien von weitem irgendwo

Nach all den Jahren meiner Arbeit in meinen Therapien konnte ich Fähigkeiten erwerben, um Fernbehandlungen durchzuführen. Zum Beispiel: Schmerzen lindern, negative Energien entfernen, mit einem Tier kommunizieren. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte. Für weitere Informationen, vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen. Kontaktieren Sie mich für eine Fernbehandlung.

Todas minhas terapias remotas onde quer que

Durante todos estos años de trabajo en mis terapias, he adquirido habilidades para brindar cuidados a distancia. Por ejemplo, aliviar el dolor, eliminar energías negativas, comunicarse con un animal. Si esto le interesa, por favor contácteme. Para obtener más información, gracias por su confianza. Contácteme para recibir atención a distancia.

Tutte le mie terapie a Distanza ovunque

Negli anni trascorsi a lavorare nelle mie terapie, ho acquisito abilità per fornire cure a distanza. Ad esempio: Alleviare il dolore, rimuovere energie negative, comunicare con un animale. Se sei interessato, ti prego di contattarmi. Per tutte le informazioni, ti ringrazio per la tua fiducia. Contattami per cure a distanza.

All my therapies at DISTANCE anywhere since all

Over all these years of work in my therapies, I have been able to acquire skills to provide remote care. For example: Relieving pain, removing negative energies, communicating with an animal. If you are interested, please contact me. For any information, thank you for your trust.